Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction to this Workshop

    • Who is Santa Lucia

    • Where is She embraced

    • Connections to Santa Lucia in Nature

    • Spiritual attributes of Santa Lucia

    • Santa Lucia's role in the realm of Guides-in-Spirit

  • 2

    rural prayers to Santa Lucia

    • Rural Prayers to invoke Santa Lucia and their magical elements

    • Magical connections to Santa Lucia and rural beliefs

    • Tools for Reconnection

    • Traditional Foods tied to Santa Lucia

  • 3

    Guided Meditation to experience her Presence

    • A note about procedure

    • Building a Portrait of Santa Lucia

  • 4

    Live Class Video with extra info and meditation experience

    • Live Class Video

What's Inside

  • Various perspectives: some short notes about various stories of Santa Lucia's life...more human or goddess-like?

  • Rural cures that invoke Santa Lucia and prayers (outside of church) from rural places that give more insight into her reputation as a visionary and energy healer

  • A powerful trance meditation where you can meet her presence and learn to use her energy through your hands

Your Instructor

Golden Bough School Founder

Karyn Crisis

Karyn Crisis, author of "Italy's Witches and Medicine Women Vol 1", "Italian Magic : Secret Lives of Women" (based on her stays in rural Italy and experiences learning with guaritrici /healers) and "Warrior of Light" and founder of Golden Bough School is a channeler whose expression offers: Mediumship, Trance, Intuitive Readings, Historical spiritual research and Instruction for empowerment through Psychic Senses with an emphasis on building co-creative relationships with Spirit. Karyn offers ancient teachings in ways that set off light bulbs of wonderment that open doors of perception but in a way that feels like remembering, so that it's possible to recognize yourself in the Universe and to become aware of how the Universe has already been moving through you. Her passion is to bring the Highest Consciousness teachings down to earth in an accessible way for people who might not otherwise have access due to economic challenges or other resources, which is often the case with "naturals" and self-taught people who've found themselves on this path whether they were seeking it or not. Esoteric, magic, and spiritual teachings are often hidden behind unnecessary human hierarchies and synthetic remodeling and demand seekers jump through hoops to gain access, and Karyn delights in proving to people just how accessible Source and all the helpful Spirits in it are to anyone who desires to do the work and reach for the stars, the moon and the sun.